What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

SERVPRO of Plantation cleaned our office carpets and did a fabulous job! They arrived on time and the staff was professional. I would definitely call them again in the future!

A 5 Star job and solution to my 4 year old problem. I'm a landlord and prior to my ownership a smoker must have lived in the unit that SERVPRO just serviced. I've been dealing with the smell of smoke & tenants breaking their leases because of the smell for years. I tried literally everything off the shelf; UV lights, spray odorizes of every kind, sealing walls, ceilings, cabinets & repainting several times with no luck. The smell of cigarettes still lingered. 

Brad from SERVPRO was able to zero in on the culprit, offer a solution and execute the solution within a day of my request. He and SERVPRO have earned my best & highest recommendations now and in the future!

Great Work!

I was super impressed with SERVPRO's crew that came to clean. I would definetly use them again to clean or restore anything in my home.